Controls: WASD or arrows to move, esc to pause, left click to shoot

You waked up in a strange place, with strange enemies, and a gun?
What a strange dream.
But... it feels real.

It is real?

Art Director: Ribvitot
(props to him for choosing the DREAMCORE theme, that was awesome)
Art: Ribvitot, Uneutro
Programming: Junj, Uneutro
Music: Ribvitot
(check his channel if you like UTAU)
I really want to receive feedback! Anything you have to offer!

Thanks for playing our little Game.

(Almost) Final Game Jam Version of the game, may have some bug fixes.

I am working in expanding the game, so, stay tuned!


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Really really dig your art style. Super unique and interesting. Had a hard time finding the connection to the jam theme, though.

(1 edit)

The connection was the roguelike mechanic, that the cards buffed enemies instead of you.
So, it is like the enemies reversed roles with you about the mechanic.
But, yeah, i understand it is not exactly clear as it should be.
Thanks for the compliment of the art! I'll send that comment to the artist, he'll like it a lot!